Moringa Benefits & Nutrition

Moringa is an all-natural superfood and nutrient-rich because of high presence of phytochemicals in its leaves, seeds, and pods. Check out our article for more information.  

Why is Moringa a Superfood? Learn about Moringa's Benefits and Nutrition. Moringa is an all-natural superfood and nutrient-rich because of high presence of phytochemicals in its leaves, seeds, and pods. It is packed with many important nutrients, including Vitamins A, B6, C, E, Zinc, Iron, Quercetin, Kaempferol, and 46+ Antioxidants. It has been proven to improve your energy level, memory, immune system, and metabolism.  Additional moringa benefits are noted below:   

MORINGA TO COMBAT TYPE 2 DIABETES. Moringa oleifera leaves is known to lower blood glucose level, and it was proven by U.S. National Library of Medicine to help treating type 2 diabetes from a report dated June 16, 2017. According to this clinical trial and report, consuming moringa leaves can be used to combat Type II diabetes. This evaluation was based on patients consuming twice daily pre-packed 400g dried Moringa oleifera leaves.   

MORINGA IS ANTI-AGING, FIGHTS INFLAMMATION. All natural superfood - Moringa is rich in  46 antioxidants  to fight against free radicals in your body. Its rich nutrients are infamous in reducing the inflammation that can lead to pain and soreness. Various investigations have shown that Moringa oleifera leaves are rich in antioxidants, including a report published in June 2016 on the ScienceDirect and another report published on the US National Library of Medicine in 2016. Antioxidants protect the skin by reducing and counteracting free radical production. Antioxidants helps reduce pigmentation (sunspot), fine lines, and wrinkles. Therefore, consuming Moringa leave powder, moringa seed powder, and applying beauty products rich with moringa oil will help to combat visible signs of aging and calm skin inflammations.

-- Consumption of Moringa leave powder (capsules) is one of the easiest way to supplement your antioxidant. It's an inexpensive all-nature antioxidant and anti-inflammatory remedy. Buy from Amazon or order directly from Moringa For Love's website

-- Have you had your Moringa tea today? Made from leaves of moringa oleifera plant and naturally caffine free, Moringa tea is an herbal tea made by steeping the moringa leaves in pure hot water. The tea can also be made using Moringa leaf powder and tea bags. It is and can be consumed at any time of the day. Start a new habbit of drinking Moringa tea, and make it your daily youth routine! 

-- Please add Moringa For Love's skin care products to your daily skin care routine - all pure goodness. Kindly note 100% of proceeds from Moringa For Love's product sales go to scholarships and charity projects!   

MORINGA MAKES GREAT BRAIN FOOD. To date, there's no cure for dementia and alzheimer's disease. The preventive stategy is essential and Moringa is a great nutritional supplement to prevent dementia according to several investigative reports, including:  (1) A report published in the US National Library of Medicine in 2013 stated, “Moringa oleifera Mitigates Memory Impairment and Neurodegeneration in Animal Model of Age-Related Dementia.”  Here's a direct quote from the report, "Base on the crucial role of oxidative stress in age-related dementia and the antioxidant and nootropic activities of Moringa oleifera, the enhancement of spatial memory and neuroprotection of Moringa oleifera leaves extract in animal model of age-related dementia was determined."  For more info, see  (2) A study by the Garden City Group of Institutions found that moringa had positive preliminary results when used as a supplemental treatment for Alzheimer's Disease. The reduction of oxidation in the brain also means that moringa can help to enhance memory, prevent dementia, and improve overall memory retention. For more info, click here for see this article from US National Library of Medicine. Kindly check out Moringa For Love's nutritional supplement products to boost your immune system and supplement your nutrition.

辣木的好處和營養 辣木是一種純天然營養豐富的超級食品,其葉片、種子和豆莢中都含有許多重要的營養素,包括蛋白質,維生素A、B6、C、E,礦物質如鐵、鈣、鉀、鋅,14種人體必需胺基酸和46+抗氧化劑。它被證明可以提高您的能量、記憶力、免疫系統和新陳代謝。辣木還有其他許多好處如下:  


辣木能抗衰老以及炎症。 全天然超級食品-辣木富含46種抗氧化劑,可對抗體內的自由基。其豐富的營養元素可減輕炎症所產生的疼痛和酸痛。多項研究顯示,辣木葉富含抗氧化劑,包括2016年6月在ScienceDirect上發表的報告以及2016年在美國國家醫學圖書館上發表的另一篇報告,抗氧化劑通過減少和抵消自由基的產生來保護皮膚。抗氧化劑有助於減少色素沉澱(黑斑),細紋和皺紋。因此,食用辣木葉粉,辣木籽粉,並使用富含辣木油的美容產品,將有助於對抗明顯的衰老跡象並緩解皮膚的各種炎症。    

辣木是護腦的絕佳食品。根據調查報告,辣木是預防癡呆的一種很好的營養補品,包括:   (1)2013年在美國國家醫學圖書館發表的一份報告指出:“辣木減輕了年齡相關性癡呆動物模型中的記憶障礙和神經退化性疾​​病。”有關更多信息,請參見   (2)Garden City Group of Institutions的一項研究發現,辣木作為阿爾茨海默氏病的補充療法具有積極的初步結果。大腦中氧化的減少還意味著辣木可以幫助增強記憶力,預防癡呆症並改善整體記憶力。有關更多信息,請參見



Moringa For Love



401 Hermosa Vista Street

Monterey Park, CA 91754


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